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When to Prune Daphne?

When to Prune Daphne? Daphnes encompass a variety of shrubs or bushes that range from evergreen to deciduous. Their flowers provide a pleasing fragrance and their leaves add texture to any garden. Different Daphne varieties tolerate different zones and climates worldwide. If you are considering adding a Daphne to your home garden, you may be...
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Equity Vs. Basis in a Partnership

Equity Vs. Basis in a Partnership. Federal rules and regulations governing partnerships allow taxpayers working together in a joint business venture a certain degree of financial flexibility. Partners share in the business's profits and losses based on their individual contributions to the partnership. To understand each partner's profits and...
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Can I Deduct Changing to Double Pane Windows in Arizona?

Can I Deduct Changing to Double Pane Windows in Arizona? The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 created six new credits to encourage taxpayers to make energy efficient improvements to their homes, businesses and cars. The residential energy credit covers energy efficient improvements that taxpayers made on their homes in 2009 and 2010....
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What Is the Procedure to Calculate Depreciation on Residential or Commercial Real Estate?

What Is the Procedure to Calculate Depreciation on Residential or Commercial Real Estate? Depreciating residential and commercial real estate allows landlords and business owners to deduct part of the cost of the property from their taxes each year. This tax deduction exists to compensate property owners for the deterioration and normal wear and...
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Does Renter's Insurance Cover a Fallen Tree?

Does Renter's Insurance Cover a Fallen Tree? If a fire damages your rented apartment or home, or a thief breaks in and steals your belongings, you expect your renters insurance to reimburse you for your loss. You may wonder whether your renters insurance will cover you if a tornado or thunderstorm causes a tree to fall on your home. It is good to...
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How to Become a Title One Teacher in Illinois

How to Become a Title One Teacher in Illinois. The Title I program provides funding to schools with at-risk student populations. At-risk conditions include high-poverty areas, limited English proficiency, migratory lifestyles, delinquent students, children with disabilities and students who are neglected or require extra reading assistance. The No...
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What Is a Prunus Armeniaca Seed?

What Is a Prunus Armeniaca Seed? Prunus armeniaca, also known as the apricot, is in the same family as the apple, pear and peach, though it is most closely related to the plum. The Chinese are the first civilization known to have cultivated apricots approximately 3,000 years ago. Apricots then gained popularity in Europe, thanks to the Romans, who...
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What Are the Procedures to Be a Licensed Building Contractor in Hammond, Indiana?

What Are the Procedures to Be a Licensed Building Contractor in Hammond, Indiana? Licensing and registration as a building contractor has several common elements nationwide, though some are unique to Hammond, Indiana. Typically, contractors are awarded a contract prior to licensing. You begin licensing by gathering the required documentation,...
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Plant Size of Super Sweet 100 & Sun Gold Tomatoes

Plant Size of Super Sweet 100 & Sun Gold Tomatoes. Tomatoes are relatively easy to grow because they perform equally well in garden beds and planters or pots. There are many different varieties available, from large beefsteak tomatoes to tiny cherry tomatoes, so you are sure to find a variety that meets your needs. Cherry tomatoes, such as Super...
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What Is the Max Income You Can Make to Still Eligible for Welfare?

What Is the Max Income You Can Make to Still Eligible for Welfare? The welfare system for the United States is regulated by each individual state. Though the states base their qualification levels on the federal poverty guideline, it is up to each state to determine the qualifications for its welfare program. State programs typically look at the...
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The Salary of Illinois State Troopers

The Salary of Illinois State Troopers. Illinois state troopers have been protecting Illinois roads and highways since 1922. They respond to emergencies and enforce criminal and motor vehicle safety laws. Illinois state trooper uniforms include a shoulder patch that represents their integrity, pride and service. Becoming an Illinois state trooper...
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What Percentage of My Internet Expense Can I Write Off for Taxes?

What Percentage of My Internet Expense Can I Write Off for Taxes? The amount of your internet bill that you can write off on your taxes depends on your personal tax situation. If you use your internet purely for personal reasons, you may find that none of the bill qualifies as a tax deduction. Self-employed individuals and/or those who have a home...
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Unfiled Tax Problems

Unfiled Tax Problems. With only a few exceptions, anyone with gross income in the United States is required to file a federal tax return. If you are required to file but do not file a return, you may face fines, penalties and even criminal convictions with the possibility of jail time. It is important to know whether you are required to file, and...
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If I File the Previous Year's Taxes Will the IRS Stop Garnishment?

If I File the Previous Year's Taxes Will the IRS Stop Garnishment? If you owe a tax debt to the IRS and do not arrange a payment plan and make payments toward your debt, the IRS can seize your property to pay for the debt. This includes seizing your house, car or other property, or garnishing your wages, bank account, retirement account or other...
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FHA Guidelines for the Time Limit to Own a Property Before You Rent

FHA Guidelines for the Time Limit to Own a Property Before You Rent. Whether your family outgrew the home or you need to relocate for work, you may have many reasons for renting out your home. If you purchased your home with an FHA insured mortgage, you must meet certain FHA rules and regulations before you can begin looking for a tenant.
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Can I Sell My Car Without a Title in Illinois?

Can I Sell My Car Without a Title in Illinois? Selling a car without a title in Illinois may be risky. The title is the legal record of all claims and releases made on titled property. Federal and state laws require a title indicating the name and signatures of buyers and sellers when selling a car. Assuming a written bill of sale and proper tax...
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When to Bleed a Gas Hose?

When to Bleed a Gas Hose? Any time a high-pressure fuel system is opened for service, air is introduced into the fuel hose. Bleeding, which requires running fluid through the hose, will eliminate air from the system and help reduce vehicle stalling and intermittent operation problems. The fuel system must be bled to prevent these hazardous...
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Can Being Audited by the IRS Affect Your Job?

Can Being Audited by the IRS Affect Your Job? The Internal Revenue Service audits for many reasons. Receiving notification of an audit does not necessarily mean an error has been made. Nevertheless, getting audited by the IRS can seem like a frightening experience. You may have questions about what to expect, how much time the audit will take,...
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How to Install Driver's Side Windows in a 1999 Chevy Blazer

How to Install Driver's Side Windows in a 1999 Chevy Blazer. With tools and the right replacement parts you can install a driver's side window in your Chevy Blazer. Though there are a few different models and body styles, such as two- and four-door, the procedure is the same. If you have basic auto repair knowledge, the proper tools, a comfortable...
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How to Turn Your Android Phone Into a Wi-Fi Hot Spot

How to Turn Your Android Phone Into a Wi-Fi Hot Spot. Have you ever wanted to use the Internet from your phone on other devices? With the Google Android operating system, it can be done. If you have Android 2.2, this feature is already built in. You only need to know how to use it. Understanding how to use this tool will protect your privacy, allow...
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How to Replace Head Studs on a VW Beetle

How to Replace Head Studs on a VW Beetle. Intensive air-cooled Volkswagen maintenance, such as replacing head studs, is an involved procedure that requires several hours' time, tools and expertise. Head studs work in tension to hold both engine heads to the engine block and hold the engine head to the cylinder sleeves and block. Head stud mounting...
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How to Hook Up an Antenna to a Single Wire Radio

How to Hook Up an Antenna to a Single Wire Radio. Single-wire radios with long-wire antennas date to the very beginnings of radio. Early radios were primitive, consisting of a tuner and a detector with little or no amplification. Early radios, which included crystal set radios, typically used long-wire antennas to collect as much radio frequency...
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How to Layout an Electrical Plan

How to Layout an Electrical Plan. Home renovations and home theater projects need an electrical plan, which identifies the location, size, type and quantity of the outlets, switches and controls. This is a valuable tool to coordinate and verify proper installation and operation of your lighting and audio-video equipment. Electrical plans also have...
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How to Band a Duck's Wings

How to Band a Duck's Wings. Leg and wing banding of poultry provides a means of identifying individual birds, much like the use of identification tags on a dog's collar. Poultry owners register the bird's number, and record the type of bird, breed, coloration and the name of the original breeder. These numbers help recover lost or stolen poultry.
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How to Use a Crochet Tube

How to Use a Crochet Tube. Crochet tubes, also called knitting spools, are used to make ropes out of yarn, twine or string. These ropes are perfect for making other crafts such as pot holders, rugs and rag dolls. You can buy a knitting spool at a craft or fabric store, or you can fashion one yourself using an empty spool and several nails. The more...
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How to Make a Project Barometer

How to Make a Project Barometer. Barometers, first invented in 1643, measure changes in barometric pressure, also known as air pressure. Low barometric pressure brings stormy weather while high barometric pressure brings sunny, dry weather. Meteorologists, sometimes called weather men, have used barometers for centuries to predict the weather by...
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Point Perspective Projects for Elementary

Point Perspective Projects for Elementary. Point perspective helps artists draw realistic three-dimensional objects. Drawings are typically created using one-, two- or three-point perspective. Each type of point perspective creates a different view and provides the illusion of distance and height on a flat page. While point perspective relies on...
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Chemistry Projects for Diffusion in Liquids

Chemistry Projects for Diffusion in Liquids. Diffusion is the process through which molecules, or tiny particles of a substance, move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. It explains why a spoonful of sugar dissolves evenly in a cup of tea, sweetening the entire beverage. The sugar molecules spread over time and...
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Instructions for the Octopus LX2000

Instructions for the Octopus LX2000. The Super Reef Octopus LX2000 is a protein skimmer designed to hang on the back of a saltwater aquarium. Protein skimmers use tiny air bubbles to collect and filter out organic waste before it has a chance to contaminate the tank. The Octopus LX2000 is considered to be one of the more simple protein skimmers to...
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How to Build a Tangram

How to Build a Tangram. A tangram is an ancient Chinese puzzle made of seven geometric shapes, called tans, that are flipped, rotated and combined to create a certain shape or design. To solve a tangram puzzle, you are given a design and have to determine how to use all seven tans to copy that shape. Currently, tangrams are used not only as puzzles...
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How to Identify Indoor Orb Weaver Spiders in Utah

How to Identify Indoor Orb Weaver Spiders in Utah. Orb weaver spiders, which seldom bite and are harmless to humans, are well known for their large, round webs. At least 12 species of orb weavers are found in Utah, and though most orb weavers prefer to string their webs between trees or shrubs, they can also be found building webs in corners of...
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Types of Chinese Pottery in America

Types of Chinese Pottery in America. Pottery, which has been produced in China for thousands of years, varies from the functional and practical to the decorative and delicate. Many fine examples of Chinese ceramics and pottery are on display in museums and galleries throughout the Americas. One fine collection, the Art of Asia at the Minneapolis...
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How to Crochet a Doll's Blouse

How to Crochet a Doll's Blouse. Handmade doll clothes make good gifts for children and doll collectors alike. Many children also enjoy the opportunity to learn to crochet clothes for their dolls. This skill not only gives them a fun and portable craft, but also leads to a lifetime of handmade gift ideas that they can create and give to friends and...
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Projects on the Characteristics of Living Things

Projects on the Characteristics of Living Things. All living things display certain characteristics or traits that differ from the traits of nonliving things. Allowing your students to explore and learn through inquiry-based projects helps them retain the new material. Though some of the traits are complex and best studied by older students, there...
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How to Crochet a Barbie Gown

How to Crochet a Barbie Gown. Many children and collectors enjoy dressing Barbie dolls in dresses and ensembles for every occasion. Though there are countless miniature outfits available to dress up a Barbie, making a handmade one-of-a-kind gown for your Barbie is a great way to outfit her for a night on the town. With some yarn or crochet thread...
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How to Form a Parallelogram Tangram

How to Form a Parallelogram Tangram. Tangrams are sets of seven geometrical shapes called tans, including two large right isosceles triangles, one medium right isosceles triangle, two small right isosceles triangles, one square and one rhomboid parallelogram. You can flip, rotate and arrange them to create other shapes or pictures. Parallelograms...
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How to Find a Breed of Chicken

How to Find a Breed of Chicken. With more than 100 breeds of chickens to choose from, selecting the right breed and then finding a breeder may seem like a daunting task. The right breed for you depends on the purpose behind raising chickens. Some breeds excel at egg productions, some are bred typically for meat, some for show and others excel in...
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How to Breed Clown Fish in an Aquarium

How to Breed Clown Fish in an Aquarium. Clown fish, also known as anemone fish, are a good choice for beginners interested in breeding saltwater fish. The fish have a reputation for being relatively simple to breed in captivity. Though clown fish require an anemone for breeding in the wild, if they are kept in a tank without any other aggressive...
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How to Coat a Coin for a Lab in High School Chemistry

How to Coat a Coin for a Lab in High School Chemistry. One common high school chemistry lab experiment involves coating a penny with the alloy brass by combining the copper of the penny with zinc. The resulting product, a penny that appears to be made of gold, provides a keepsake that can get the students talking about science when they go home to...
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How to Get the Bobbin Casing Out of a Shark Intelli-Sew

How to Get the Bobbin Casing Out of a Shark Intelli-Sew. The Shark Intelli-Sew 9110 sewing machine is a computerized programmable sewing machine capable of creating dozens of stitches in countless materials. Although the computer settings make this machine seem daunting to some, taking the time to become familiar with the capabilities of your new...
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How to Convert Displaced Water to Volume

How to Convert Displaced Water to Volume. Finding the volume of a regular three-dimensional object, such as a cube with 2-inch sides, is straightforward and involves multiplying the length by the width by the height. With an irregularly shaped object, the formula for volume is not readily apparent. Water displacement is a useful method for...
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S-Video Cable Advantages

S-Video Cable Advantages. With all of the cable choices available for connecting TVs to VCRs, DVD players, DVRs and gaming consoles, it can be difficult to decide which is best. While each type of cable has its pros and cons, there are several marked advantages to the use of S-video cables over the older composite video cables.
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How to Fill a Bobbin on a Singer Merritt 2404 Sewing Machine

How to Fill a Bobbin on a Singer Merritt 2404 Sewing Machine. The Singer Merritt 2404 sewing machine performs many functions and dozens of stitches, allowing the user to switch between a variety of fabrics. When switching fabrics, it is important to use the appropriate thread strength, both in the needle and the bobbin. Though it is possible to buy...
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The Ways to Make an Edible Cell

The Ways to Make an Edible Cell. Creating an edible cell model is a good weekend project that can make learning enjoyable for your child and impress your child's science teacher. Using gelatin or cake mix with fruits, nuts, candy, frosting and sample images of cells you and your child can create edible three-dimensional models of both plant and...
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How to Crochet a Children's Zipper Vest

How to Crochet a Children's Zipper Vest. Handmade items, such as crocheted blankets, scarves or clothes, can make meaningful gifts. Learning a few basic stitches opens the door to a wide range of craft ideas that can keep your loved ones warm and cozy. Create a zipper vest in a child's size 6 using only basic slip, single and double crochet...
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How to Make a Trapezoid Tangram

How to Make a Trapezoid Tangram. Tangrams are sets of seven geometrical shapes consisting of one square, one parallelogram, two small right isosceles triangles, one medium right isosceles triangle and two large right isosceles triangles. All seven shapes arrange into a square. Math teachers use tangrams to teach geometric principles in an...
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How to Insert the Needle in a Model #7444 Singer Sewing Machine

How to Insert the Needle in a Model #7444 Singer Sewing Machine. The Singer Sewing Machine Model 7444 comes with the ability to sew button holes and create more than 20 different stitch styles. It has a self-threading feature that simplifies the process of changing thread and operates efficiently on a wide variety of fabrics. Different fabrics...
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How to Solve for the Second Base of a Trapezoid

How to Solve for the Second Base of a Trapezoid. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral, or four-sided shape, with two parallel sides, or bases. None of the sides or angles is required to be equal to another. If you know the measurements of one base, the height and the area (A) of the trapezoid, you can calculate the length of the other base. Using the...
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The Difference Between Pharaoh Quail Vs. Bobwhite Quail

The Difference Between Pharaoh Quail Vs. Bobwhite Quail. Quail, small migratory birds, are found throughout the world. They are popular among game hunters and commonly bred for sale to restaurants, grocery stores, gun dog training facilities and hunting preserves. Pharaoh quail and bobwhite quail are two types commonly found both in the wild and on...
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Different Kinds of Dalmatians

Different Kinds of Dalmatians. Purebred dalmatians, sometimes known as carriage dogs or firehouse dogs, are most often recognized as medium-to-large white dogs with black spots. Their spotting, however, can take a variety of colors and patterns. The increasing trend toward hybrid dogs has led the Dog Registry of America and the International...
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How to Make an Edible Animal Cell Using Cake

How to Make an Edible Animal Cell Model. Cells are the basic building blocks of life. Although tiny, cells are complex structures. Making an edible animal cell model is an engaging and delicious way to learn the various parts of the cell.
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Two Types of Cell Division Cycles

Two Types of Cell Division Cycles. Cellular reproduction follows one of two cell division cycles: mitosis or meiosis. A cell reproducing through mitosis splits in two, following a series of steps that lead to the creation of two identical daughter cells. Only one cell is required to reproduce in this manner, and all cells created through mitosis...
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How to Explain the Parasite-Host Relationship

How to Explain the Parasite-Host Relationship. Teachers of both macrobiology and microbiology are likely to come across symbiotic relationships in their curriculum. Symbiotic relationships are divided into three main categories: mutualism, commensalism and parasitism. Mutualism and parasitism are most commonly taught in the high school curriculum....
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Crafts & Projects for Preschoolers for One Hundred Days of School

Crafts & Projects for Preschoolers for One Hundred Days of School. Many preschools and elementary schools hold celebrations on the 100th day of school. These celebrations provide the perfect opportunity for crafts, projects and activities that are both educational and fun. With preschool students, read-alouds, artwork and craft activities are an...
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How to Make a Simple Adjustable Periscope

How to Make a Simple Adjustable Periscope. Periscopes can enable you to see around corners, spy over walls or even see behind you without turning around. Complex periscopes may involve prisms or elaborate mirrors, optical coatings or housings and sights, but a simple periscope requires only two mirrors and a frame. Building a periscope requires a...
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How to Learn to Read & Write With Developmentally Appropriate Practices

How to Learn to Read & Write With Developmentally Appropriate Practices. Making the association between letters on a page and the thoughts and ideas we would like to express can be an exciting revelation for a young child. However, there are also some frustrations that a young child often experiences as she learns to read and write. Selecting...
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Instructions for IRS Form 7004

Instructions for IRS Form 7004. Individuals and businesses that find the need to request more time to complete their tax returns can receive extensions from the IRS if they file the proper forms. IRS form 7004 can give your business a five or six month extension of time to file. The type of tax forms you must use for your return will determine...
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1984 Honda Cr500 Specs

1984 Honda Cr500 Specs. If you are considering buying a 1984 Honda CR500, you may want to know a little more information about it. Due to the age of the 1984 Honda CR500, it is considered a collector's bike. Sometimes it can be difficult to find the specifications of the engine and other details about collectible motorcycles; however, this...
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Specifications for a Can-Am 400 Outlander

Specifications for a Can-Am 400 Outlander. The Can-Am 400 is a powerful all terrain vehicle, or ATV. If you are interested in buying one for yourself or a friend, you will need to know a little about it. Knowing how it stands up to its competitors is crucial in making the right decision when selecting a motorcycle, ATV or any other automobile. The...
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Tips on Flat Panel Monitors

Tips on Flat Panel Monitors. Understanding which flat panel monitor is right for you is an important part of choosing the right one. Most computer screens now are flat panel monitors. When you look at the specifications on the box you may find some of them to be a little confusing. Understanding the jargon, key features and differences between...
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How to Adjust Computer Monitor Stands

How to Adjust Computer Monitor Stands. The two most common styles of computer monitors used today are the CRT monitor (the traditional boxy screen) and the flat screen monitor (including plasma, LCD and LED). Both monitor stands can, generally, be adjusted in various directions to give the user a better viewing angle, although the flat screen...
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Specifications on the 2007 Dodge 6.1 L Hemi

Specifications on the 2007 Dodge 6.1 L Hemi. Since 1951 Chrysler has been offering a series of V8 internal combustion engines commonly known as the hemi. In 2005 it began offering a 6.1-liter hemi in select Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep vehicles.
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What Is Included in Gross Income From an S Corp?

What Is Included in Gross Income From an S Corp? Gross income for an S corporation is calculated by adding any income from interest, stocks, dividends, rents or royalties to the total of all monies received on receipts or sales, and subtracting the cost of any of the goods sold.
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